
I am a working mama of three. I can’t remember what my hobbies are anymore and I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. It’s true that I would probably have a lot more money and spare time to do the things I want, had I not had kids. However, I wouldn’t change it for the world…they are my world and everything I do is for my family.

I’m not a writer nor do I consider myself great with words. I mean, there are a ridiculous amount of blogs out there! Question: What would make mine so special? Answer: Nothing. I’m just considering this to be an outlet to vent and share my crazy life because let’s be honest, my social platform currently consists of my 6, 3, and 1 1/2 year old and the few friends I choose as my family. Anyone who is curious enough to divulge in my attempts at adulting (or failing miserably), is welcome to explore with me. Or laugh. Or cry. Or sympathize. Or just be grateful your life is cooler than my nut house. I’m just learning as I go. One miss-step at a time. I’m willing to expose my emotions and share my experiences of being a wife, surviving a divorce and riding the roller coaster of motherhood. I actually hate roller coasters, but motherhood is pretty great. Well, most of the time. The good stuff and nitty-gritty all here in one place for any who care to experience the ride with me! Because let’s be honest, social media usually makes things look a lot prettier than reality, but we have far more chaos than anything else in the this house…and that’s my reality!

Sometimes, you find the paper wrapping of a crayon is ripped or faded or unrecognizable that we forget what beautiful color lies underneath. Or perhaps it has traveled far or been forgotten at the bottom of a drawer, smashed in a bag. No matter what it’s been through, always remember one thing….that broken crayons still color.

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