Please, Step Into My Office

Working from home is not everyone’s cup of tea. And I am quickly seeing that it’s definitely not mine.

Because of the pandemic and the way things have been going, working from home has been a lot more of an option and something that a lot of people are looking for these days. Hypothetically, I get it. In reality…no thanks. It is NOT conducive to my work environment. I am much more productive when I am in the office and the temptation to just be lazy is greatly reduced. Not to mention, for the most part I do like to get ready every day and not wear leggings and sweats like most of my “mom days.” I’ve spent enough time at home that I do appreciate the times when I get to “dress up.” However, there are days when it cannot be avoided. My boys are now in public daycare where sickness festers constantly, therefore, it can really ruin my groove.

I am blessed that my job has given me the flexibility to work from home when needed. Actually, to be more accurate, when my kids are sick and I’m required to keep them home for 24-48 hours after being sent home. I honestly don’t know how many full weeks I’ve physically spent IN the office since starting my job in November. Which is completely ridiculous. I have never seen so much sickness come through my house as I have in these last few months. As convenient as it may sound, my “home office” is a total circus.

I set up my computer and sprawl out all of my files and materials for the day on the kitchen table. What a view! As I sit down, I have a full panoramic view of the apartment; the kids singing, jumping and flipping on the couch. We’re in for a long day! “Don’t touch that.” “No, you cannot use my pens.” “Those sticky notes are for my work, not stickers for you.” “DO NOT press any of the computer keys!” “Can you please go watch your show for 2 minutes while I make a work call?” Phone calls from home are the worst. THE WORST! Let’s keep this professional while my kids are chasing each other through the house yelling and tattling on one another. And you know what puts the cherry on top? We live in an apartment. That means I can’t just send everyone out to the backyard to get out some energy! Nope, we are confined. Sounds great. Sign me up. This is insane! I try to do as much as I can without having to make a single phone call because you know that the second you get on the phone, that’s when every kid will ask 10 things from you. It’s like a sixth sense or something…they know the moment you get on a call. I actually have to make my calls from my bathroom to try to eliminate as much kid/background noise as I can. Try to disappear for just long enough. *67 to block my number and pray that it’s a quick call…or can it wait until tomorrow? My daughter walked into my bathroom one day and asked me if I was working from the bathroom now. Yep…pretty much! I laughed, but it’s accurate and now it’s a joke at work.

Please, step into my office. How can I assist you today?

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