Just Another Manic Mom-Day

Sometimes I just have to laugh at some of the days that I have and juggling all things life hands me. Wanna take a ride and enjoy a day in the life? Come with me…

Last week, (it was Tuesday, actually) I dropped the kids off at daycare like every day. But normally, I don’t do drop off on Tuesdays as they’re normally with their Dad. This week was an exception. The boys had croup (as well as ALL the other kids at daycare) and Lennox was sounding the worst of the two. At drop off, my daycare gal had informed all the parents that it was very likely that we would need to pick up early since her youngest needed to go to Urgent Care since his croup was getting significantly worse. Sure enough, I get a text later and I get ready to head out of work early to get them by 2pm.

On my way out the door of work, I get two missed calls from my ex-husband. Mind you, we had court the next day. So I call him back and fully expected the questions that came my way. Five minutes later, another call with more questions.

I go pick up the boys and she kindly suggests I get the boys in to see the doctor ASAP to get medicine and then says that there will be no daycare in the morning. Awesome. I have court in the morning (via Zoom) and I can’t have my kids. Of all the days, it had to be this one! Who the hell is gonna watch my sick kids while I have my court hearing? Uuuuuhhhhh….wellllll……nobody. Except that another daycare mom comes and saves my day and offers to keep the boys in the morning since her kids are sick too so why not have a sick day party free for all for everyone?! Thank you, Jesus, for other moms in the same boat as I am. It really does take a village to raise these hooligans. Anyway…I pick up the boys and immediately call the doctor and by some miracle, they can see us in 30 minutes. Talk about perfect timing! Maeva is at summer camp until 6pm so we head that way…but hold on, Lennox has to poop. Pit stop to the house. Continue on to the doctor’s office. Doctor’s office is a breeze, we get our prescription and head home for a couple hours before we pick up Maeva from camp.

You know, I really despise going to the grocery store with all three kids. I will do everything to avoid it. I have multiple subscriptions for grocery delivery services or I will pick up or I will shop on the days when they are at their Dad’s house. First of all, it takes twice as long to accomplish anything and I’m guaranteed to forget something. Every time. And I just really prefer to avoid the conflict at all costs. BUT!! Every once in awhile, it’s inevitable. So….we go pick up Maeva from camp and I announce that we need to pick up the boy’s prescriptions on our way home. I pull up to the drive through pharmacy. And there’s a sign on the window that says “Phone not working. Come visit us inside!” Um. My kids are sick. Lennox sounds like a barking seal and they want us to “come visit inside?!” Well…..Ok then. Here we come! Enter my children. Hands and fingers touching everything, Lennox bark-coughing, and me constantly telling them to stay with me as they ignore me and present me with five things that we don’t need. It’s my turn at the counter and the gal actually says it’s not ready yet and to give them 30 minutes. Wow. You have got to be kidding me. I thought 2 hours was enough time to fill 5 pills. Literally. 5 Pills. Do you not see my kids touching everything or my son sitting on the floor over there? Yeah…30 minutes isn’t gonna work for me. So what do I do? Well we start grocery shopping for some things that I’m missing at home! Great idea. Let’s kill time. I certainly bought more than I needed, but 15 minutes later, I prayed that the prescription would be filled and I could get out of here. I walk up to the counter and hallelujah! It’s ready. But “I’m so sorry, the pharmacist just went to the restroom and she’s going to need to give you the information on this medication.” Oh. My. Gosh. WHY?! So we waited some more and my kids touched some more stuff until the pharmacist came back and we were FINALLY on our way out the door.

So while my kids probably contaminated an enormous part of the store, I sincerely apologize, but what other choice did I have? A classic example of Mom Life. Did I get some looks? Absolutely! Did I care? Nope. I actually laughed. The sign said “come visit us inside!” and that’s exactly what we did. You’re welcome. See you next time!! I’ll aim to come on my own this next round though.

For all you mom’s out there killin’ the mom game. Keep it up. I see you.

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