You Are My Son-Shine

Time just seems to get away from me yet it feels like it goes so slowly in the moment. And here I am, late on sharing the adventures of my middle son as he just turned four this week. I’ve been so consumed with everything going on right now that it literally donned on me a couple weeks ago just how soon his birthday was and I panicked.

Little Lennox. My middle child. Troublesome boy. Mini Ryan. He’s a tough cookie. I sure love him, what a character…but he really likes to test me. Of all three kids, he is by far the most difficult. He knows how to throw some intense tantrums and he can flip like a switch. He’s trouble and he knows it. He’s just like Ryan and it’s gonna come back and bite us so hard. I’m afraid. However, on the flip side, he is a love. He knows who his peeps are and he loves them hard. All my kids are like that. But Lennox will soak up the love and he will definitely give it to you freely if you ask him. His emotions run deep and I’ve seen that more in these last few months.

Lennox was a late bloomer when it came to speech. When he was a baby, we would try to teach him baby sign language and he would look away. He refused and didn’t want anything to do with it. He’d never repeat anything we said. Not into it. So that caused some problems especially with his tantrums and expressing himself. It didn’t help that Motormouth MaeMae was there to speak for him all the time. He had some speech therapy right before Covid hit and he has really improved! He’s definitely more quiet and a little bit more on the shy side when it comes to being around people, but he’s getting there. When he’s comfortable tho, he’s comfortable. Watch out! He loves basketball (and is VERY good), riding his bike (before it got stolen), super hero’s, building things, and copying his sister. If he could pick anything to wear, it would be jeans and it’s impossible to roll his shirt sleeves without him getting mad…so I don’t care anymore. Pick my battles. I swear if he had it his way, he would eat mac and cheese and cereal for every meal. One of a kind that boy…gotta love him.

Last year, we had to cancel his birthday plans because of Covid so I couldn’t very well let this year slip through my fingers. Knowing that Saxon is also later this month, I think I can get away with celebrating both of them together later. However, a friend of mine reminded me that I should still do SOMETHING on the day of to at least make it a special day for him, and him only. So my little “pizza and cake” gathering actually turned into something pretty great. A few of his friends and some of our favorite people made it extra special. He told me after that it was the best birthday ever. Little cutie. He got spoiled and he was one happy boy! Superhero’s was his request and that’s what he got!

Lennox…I hope you feel the love I have for you each and every day. That despite all our struggles and frustrations, I am your rock. I’m here to listen to your feelings and validate them and hold you when you need it most. I promise to be your biggest cheerleader and support you through all stages of your life. Dream big my boy. Be yourself. There’s no one else in this world like you and that is your super power. I love you…Happy birthday!! And yes, don’t worry, you are still 4 today…and every day until you turn 5 next year! ❤️

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