‘Tis The Season

I kind of wish there was a counter on the thermometer to show how many times I have checked fevers up until now. And in 3 days, I have gone through an entire box of Kleenex all on my own.

Please, Step Into My Office

Working from home is not everyone's cup of tea. And I am quickly seeing that it's definitely not mine. Because of the pandemic and the way things have been going, working from home has been a lot more of an option and something that a lot of people are looking for these days. Hypothetically, I... Continue Reading →

Smile Because It Happened

Today was my last day at a job that I can truly say I absolutely loved. A pivotal time in my life. I didn't want to leave by any means, but this is a prime example of a mother's sacrifice. Let me rewind a year... At the beginning of October last year, I was at... Continue Reading →

Just Another Manic Mom-Day

Sometimes I just have to laugh at some of the days that I have and juggling all things life hands me. Wanna take a ride and enjoy a day in the life? Come with me... Last week, (it was Tuesday, actually) I dropped the kids off at daycare like every day. But normally, I don't... Continue Reading →

You Gotta Nourish to Flourish

When people talk about how important self-care is, LISTEN! I know it's hard, trust me! I've devoted the last eight years of my life to being a mom and wife and taking care of everyone (and everything) else. I'm not saying that I didn't want to, but just that I consistently put myself on the... Continue Reading →

Grief Is Like Glitter

153 days. Hands down, the most brutal days of my life. Nobody gets married with the intention that one day they’ll get divorced. Yes, marriage is very hard and a lot of work and it can be amazing! A deep connection and so fulfilling and a love that has been nurtured and created with tenderness... Continue Reading →

My Son, My Moon And My Stars

The moment I found out I was pregnant with Saxon, I was so sad. For selfish reasons. I was finally enjoying time out and about with my husband, and being with friends and doing all kinds of fun things. My husband and I had said we were going to go for our third baby in... Continue Reading →

You Are My Son-Shine

Time just seems to get away from me yet it feels like it goes so slowly in the moment. And here I am, late on sharing the adventures of my middle son as he just turned four this week. I’ve been so consumed with everything going on right now that it literally donned on me... Continue Reading →

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